Thursday, September 6, 2018

Top 5 Chess Websites (in my opinion)

Hey guys welcome back! Marvin here. I've been thinking.........what are the best Chess Websites? Well I've come up with my answers! Tell me what you think.  Remember: I've only seen a handful of them.

                       From 5 to 1 here they are:

#5 (Chess arena) it has different time controls so that's good it lets you play masters once in a while and it has chat so that's good. But no Variants and it's very slow to load sooo...... Sorry but I couldn't make it higher. 

#4 It has chat and daily games. Faster games.....only if you verify your email address. It has lots of puzzles.....hundreds of them. You can even make your own puzzles.......only if you've played a certain amount of games. Tournaments too......again only if you've played enough games. So.....sorry but you have to be number 4.

#3 (I guess) I've only just heard about this one but I think it's very good for beginners. Pretty much all I can say about it is: it has nice Chess news and nice puzzles and instructional videos. 

#2 It has pretty much all of the good traits of all the others listed above and it also has great Variants! A bunch of time controls. It's absolutely awesome! (My username on it is Iamgoingberserk) 

 #1 it has everything. Great social, great Variants, great time controls, great news, great videos, great puzzles. Go check it out! (My username on it is Allidoiswin14) 

And for kids it has to be (pretty much the kid friendly version of

Yeah so that's my take on it! Please leave me a comment a like and a follow! Have a great day! 

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Openings II

what is your favorite opening? mine is probably kings gambit ( kings gambit is moving the pawn in front of the king two squares forward) and queens gambit (which is moving the pawn in front of your queen two squares forward) and the grand prix opening (pronounced grand pree) the grand prix opening if your white is moving the pawn in front of your white bishop two squares forward but if you are black then it is moving the pawn in front of your black bishop two squares forward.

if you have any questions then please leave a comment have a great day!

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

A couple puzzles

Hey guys I want to give you a couple puzzles from one of the websites I told you about (  and this one.

If these puzzles were too easy or hard for you or you had any qustions then please tell me in a comment. Have a great day!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Getting better

Something i learned is that losing actually helps people get better at chess. So if you play and lose don't feel bad just try again next time you'll win! And the more you play the better you get. Here are a couple of other things I've learned: don't underestimate your opponent, concentrate, and have fun! Chess is a game and games should be fun! 

Again please post your comments and have a great day!

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Chess Websites

I started getting better when I began playing on Chess websites. I used to play on it has chess puzzles and chess positions and you're able to play Chess games on it like: bullet, blitz, classical, and correspondence chess. Another website that has this and more is (both these websites are free for the regular membership)
                    Make sure to comment and have a great day guys!

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Middle game

Hey guys! Right now I wanna talk about the middle of a Chess game like castling, attacking, stuff like that. I personally like Queen-side castling and attacking the king side of my opponent if he/she King-side castles so I can expose their King and go for the checkmate! For anyone who doesn't know what castling is here is a link.

Again if you have any questions please leave a comment and ask them. see you and have a great day!

Friday, September 2, 2016


Hi guys right now I'm gonna talk about openings. My favorite opening is the king pawn opening (the pawn in front of the king 2 squares forwrad) and the Queen pawn opening (the pawn in front of the Queen 2 squares forward). What is your favorite opening? If you have any questions please leave a comment

Hope you enjoyed this post I'll be doing more soon thanks and have a great day!  See you.